Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Maps of the mind! (Module 6)

Mind mapping is one of the most useful tools we have. It gives students a chance to think and flesh out ideas, and gives facilitators a chance to review their ideas and make sense of the pattern of thought, which discussion can often miss.

I spent some time looking at, and created a mind map, uploaded and attached below. I would say the interface is good, and gives students a chance to have a go, without too much complexity. Some of the 2.0 features took some getting used to, but overall it was a good web-app.

I really like Glogster. I think the collaborative power of the app is going to provide facilitators with the ability to get multiple students contributing to an overall project. This would work great with Challenge Based Learning projects, and group assessment strategies.

Overall, I think I was introduced to some useful tools, and would plan to use them in the classroom for many activities.

Check out my MindMap!

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